Annual Report 2016
Since its creation in 2011, the NOVAFRICA center has produced substantial output in the field of business and economic development in African countries. Specifically, we have been undertaking a range of applied research projects in which the interaction with governmental and non‐governmental institutions has been of key importance.
Our geographical focus of attention has mainly, but not exclusively, been Angola, Guinea-Bissau, and Mozambique. The areas of specific research and policy interest have been diverse: they include studies on financial inclusion through the use of mobile money, adoption of modern technologies in agriculture, entrepreneurial strengthening interventions, civic education, migration of people, management of natural resources, and incentives for the education and health of workers.
In the context of our projects, we gratefully acknowledge funding received from multiple international agencies, such as ATAI‐MIT, 3ie, Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, the Islamic Development Bank, UKAid (via the International Growth Centre and the IZA GLM-LIC program), and USAID.
We are confident that the high level of quality in our research projects will enable NOVAFRICA to keep winning internationally competitive research funding, and broaden its range of interventions and geographic impact.
We have big challenges ahead, but we are confident and wish to continue to strengthen and develop our potential.
Click here to see the NOVAFRICA highlights between 2011 and 2017.
Please, download the Annual Report 2016 here.