NOVAFRICA In The News: COVID-19 in Less-developed Countries
Article in Público Newspaper
Covid-19 in Africa: a success or a tragedy foretold?
In an article in Publico newspaper, Catia Batista and Pedro C. Vicente, Scientific Directors of NOVAFRICA, reflect on the uncertain factors driving sub-Saharan Africa in the current pandemic.
Read it all here in EN.
Read it all in PT.
Article in Expresso Newspaper
What if the largest pandemic is yet to come?
In an article in Expresso, Catia Batista, Scientific Director of NOVAFRICA at Nova School of Business and Economics, warned about the possible dramatic consequences of COVID-19 in Africa.
The professor of economics has no doubt that this continent is not ready to fight the corona virus because health systems are very limited in most sub-Saharan African countries.
Read here all about it (PT only).
Article in Observador Newspaper
COVID-19 in Africa: a different story, many questions, some reliable policies
Pedro Vicente, Scientific Director of NOVAFRICA Knowledge Center from Nova SBE, in an article published in Observador, proposes policies to mitigate the effects of the pandemic in Africa.
Read it all here (PT only).
Washington Post Article
Stirrings of unrest around the world could portend turmoil as economies collapse
Catia Batista, Scientific Director of NOVAFRICA Knowledge Center from Nova SBE, spoke to Lizy Sly from the Washington Post about the world’s poorest countries that are being affected by COVID-19. “They can’t afford subsidies for those who lose jobs, and become in this way most vulnerable to heightened unrest”, she said in an article entitle “stirrings of unrest around the world could portend turmoil as economies collapse”.
Read it all here.
Statement to Público Newspaper
What if COVID- 19 severely hits Africa? What can we do?
Pedro Vicente, Scientific Director of NOVAFRICA, in a statement to Público newspaper suggests two solutions to minimize the effects of the pandemic in that continent: dissemination and collection of health information through SMS and radio and the use of unconditional cash transfers.
Read here the comments of Nova SBE’s professor in development economics (PT only).
Washington Post Article
“What we definitely lack most is political leadership. International organizations, even if they have the right objectives, lack the means if they don’t have political support.”
Catia Batista, NOVAFRICA Scientific Director, talked to The Washington Post about how global institutions are facing the corona virus pandemic.
The professor of economics at Nova School of Business and Economics is very critical about the lack of international leadership and calls for more political support for International Organizations, so that they can fulfil their role of helping the most vulnerable countries.
Read all about it here.