“The impact of weather events on work and schooling decisions in Madagascar”

On Thursday, April 27th, at 2.30pm, the NOVAFRICA Center welcomes Francesca Marchetta, from CERDI, to present her work.

Francesca Marchetta (CERDI)

This paper analyses the impact of weather events on schooling and work decisions in Madagascar, using individual data on a cohort of young man and woman, that have been interviewed in 2004 and in 2011. We show that positive rainfall deviations from the long term average increase the probability of school enrollment, while they reduce the probability of being engaged in working activities. These effects are stronger for stayers and for individuals belonging to households engaged in the agricultural sector. The ‘rainfall effect’ on school is attenuated by assets’ ownership. We also find that being hit by a hurricane reduces the probability to be enrolled in school.

Please find further information about this seminar here.