January 26, 2019.
Hotel Azalai, Bissau.
On January 26, NOVAFRICA, in partnership with VIDA, will host a conference on “Community health: Today’s Challenges, Future Prospects”, in Bissau. The conference is an all-day event, starting at 8.30 am and will take place in Hotel Azalai.
This conference follows the conference “Community health and the reduction of maternal and infant mortality”, held in Lisbon on December 11, 2017, and intends to create a space for sharing and reflection among the several actors of the Community Health in Guinea-Bissau and other African countries and identify solutions to the challenges and constraints that they currently face.
The conference is organized under the project “Strategy to accelerate the reduction of maternal, neonatal and child mortality in Guinea-Bissau – Autonomous Sector of Bissau” under the PIMI II Program.
To submit your registration, please follow this link.
Kindly note that the attendance is free but with limited availability, therefore we highly recommend your registration until January 23, 2019.
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To know more about the conference speakers, please see here.
Please find a PDF version of the program here.
Opening Session
09h30 Policies and Sustainability of Community Health
Community Health in Guinea Bissau: Dr. Agostinho N´Dumba | Direção Geral da Prevenção e Promoção da Saúde – MINSAP Presentation
Incentives to CHWs – Current policies in Guinea Bissau and experiences from other countries: Dr.ª Magali Romedenne | Especialista em Saúde Comunitária – Escritório regional UNICEF
World Bank Strategy to strengthening the Community Health in Guinea Bissau: Dr. Edson Araújo | Coordenador das ações de saúde do Banco Mundial na Guiné-Bissau Presentation
Coffee Break
11h20 Experiences on the implementation of the Community Health Programme
Challenges to the coordination of Community Health in Guinea Bissau: Enfº Pedro Vaz | Serviço de Saúde Comunitária e de Promoção da Medicina Tradicional Presentation
Coordination and supervision methodologies to CHWs: Dr.ª Filipa Macedo | Direção Regional de Saúde de Quinara
Challenges of the experiencies in the rural and urban contexts: Dr. Humberto Intchala | Direção Regional de Saúde de Cacheu & Enf.º Lamine Mendes | Direção Regional de Saúde Bissau & Dr.ª Rita Pais | NGO VIDA Presentation
14h15 Research and innovation in Community Health
Community Health retrospective in Guinea Bissau: Dr. Plácido Cardoso | Investigador de saúde Presentation
CHWs’ motivation – preliminary outcomes of the research study driven in Bissau: Prof. Pedro Vicente | NOVAFRICA
Community-level data management: Dr. Didier Monteiro | WASH UNICEF & Dr.ª Helena Areal | Coordenadora de Saúde – ONG VIDA Presentation & Júlio Vieira | INASA Presentation
Coffee Break
KEYNOTE SPEECH: 1mCHW Campaign: An International Experience in Community Health Workers
Chief Nathaniel Ebo Nsarko | Country Director – Millenium Promise Alliance (Gana) Presentation
Closing Remarks