Information Design to Improve Service Delivery: Experimental Evidence from Community Health Workers in Guinea-Bissau

Project Info

Principal Investigator

Mattia Fracchia (Nova SBE)


Nova SBE, SurveyCTO, BELAB

Project Coordination

Deoclécio Jayrson Ferreira Marinho


Ministry of Public Health of Guinea-Bissau

About this Project

Does learning about the effectiveness of a program motivate those who deliver it? In a randomized field experiment in partnership with the Ministry of Public Health of Guinea-Bissau, I provide front-line health workers with evidence on health indicators at the local level and the program’s contribution to their evolution. The treatment increases workers’ performance in delivering healthcare services. Program recipients assigned to the treatment group report receiving 39 percent more healthcare time than those in the control group eight months after the intervention. I investigate potential mechanisms by exploring the role of updating beliefs about the status of health indicators and the program’s contribution to their evolution.

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