Alex Armand
Nova School of Business and Economics, CEPR, Institute for Fiscal Studies, e NOVAFRICA
Paul Atwell
University of Michigan
Joseph F. Gomes
Yannik Schenk
ISSN 2183-0843
Working Paper No 2302
Junho 2023
This paper examines the impact of progressive radio programming on societal change during the early pe-riod of desegregation in post-World War II U.S. We investigate the influence of the popular radio show The Adventures of Superman on promoting tolerance and exposing the bigotry of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) in 1946. Using state-of-the-art radio propagation models, we map the broadcast’s exposure and analyze its effect on various socioeconomic outcomes. We find that counties with higher exposure to the broad-cast experienced a significant decrease in support for KKK-affiliated political candidates and opponents of civil rights. Individuals potentially exposed to the Superman program during their youth exhibited more progressive attitudes towards civil rights, racial desegregation and African Americans later in life. These individuals were also less likely to participate in the Vietnam war. Additionally, we explore the long-term impact of the radio coverage by examining outcomes at the county level, such as the presence of active KKK branches, civil rights organizations, and accessibility of non-discriminatory services for African Americans listed in the “Negro Motorist Green Books.” We find significant and progressive effects on all analyzed outcomes. These results underscore the potential of progressive radio programming as a catalyst for social change and contribute to our understanding of how media shapes societal attitudes and beliefs.
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