Mentoring Success of Immigrant African College Students

Project Info

Principal Investigators

Cátia Batista (Nova SBE)
Pedro Freitas (Nova SBE)
Gonçalo Lima (EUI)
Ana Reis (Nova SBE)

Project Coordinator

Gonçalo Gameiro
Diogo Sá
Márcia Serra


Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF)


About this Project

This project implements a randomized impact evaluation of an intervention to promote the integration and academic performance of Portuguese-Speaking African college students in Portugal. The randomized intervention is a mentoring program which intends to simplify the transition of students from secondary schools in their home country to college in Portugal.

The project will inform public policies promoting investment in education and the productive integration of immigrants – issues that are becoming more and more relevant, particularly in contexts of ageing population.


Descriptive Policy Brief: PALOP POLICY BRIEF (PT Only)


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