Nova School of Business and Economics
Faculdade de Economia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Campus de Campolide
Under the theme Economic Development in Africa, with particular emphasis on Portuguese-speaking countries, the NOVAFRICA@Nova SBE seminar series hosts a variety of international speakers.
Although intended primarily to Nova SBE’s faculty and students, the seminars are open to the public.
For more information about the seminar series NOVAFRICA@Nova SBE, please refer to the following schedule or contact Ms. Sofia Vala by email.
2nd Semester
FEB 1st, 14h30
Room 306
Sylvie Lambert,
Paris School of Economics
Interpersonal Inequality, Intrahousehold Inequalities and Poverty in Senegal
FEB 15th, 11h00
Salão Nobre
What Paths for Development in Africa? NOVAFRICA Policy Roundtable
at ECONOMIA VIVA Conferences 2017
FEB 16th, 12h30
Room 306
Christian Dustmann,
University College London
The Winners and Losers of Technological Change
MAR 2nd, 11h00
Room 306
Joseph Kaboski,
Notre Dame University
MAR 24th, 11h00
Room 306
Paulo Santos,
Monash University
MAR 29th, 14h30
Room 306
Joshua Angrist,
Uber vs Taxi: A Driver’s Eye View
APR 26th, 14h30
Room 308
Simone Bertoli,
Migration and co-residence choices
APR 27th, 14h30
Room 306
Francesca Marchetta,
The impact of weather events on work and schooling decisions in Madagascar
JUN 7th, 16h30
Room 306
Jaime Millán-Quijano,
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
JUN 28th, 14h30
Room 306
Danila Serra,
Southern Methodist University
1st Semester
OCT 06th, 14h30
Room 306
Claudio Ferraz,
OCT 10th, 14h30
Room 306
Alessandro Tarozzi,
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
OCT 19th, 14h30
Room 306
Emily Breza,
Columbia University
NOV 09th, 14h30
Room 306
Luigi Minale,
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
NOV 23rd, 14h30
Room 306
Jessica Goldberg,
University of Maryland
When defaults Matter: Behavioral Economics and The Use of Savings Accounts in Malawi
Dec 07th, 14h30
Room 306
David Drott,
University of Zurich
Please see here the 2015/2016 research seminar schedule.
Please see here the 2014/2015 research seminar schedule.
Please see here the 2013/2014 research seminar schedule.