Seminars NOVAFRICA @ Nova SBE 2020 | 2021

The NOVAFRICA @Nova SBE seminar series hosts a variety of international speakers on topics related to economic development. The seminars are open to the public.

For more information about the seminar series NOVAFRICA @Nova SBE, please refer to the following schedule or contact us via email.

Nova School of Business and Economics
Campus de Carcavelos
Lisbon, Portugal
2nd Semester


MAR 3rd, 02h30pm

Anne Karing,
Princeton University

Social Signaling and Childhood Immunization: A Field Experiment in Sierra Leone
Paper and Video

MAR 17th, 02h30pm

Thomas Fujiwara,
Princeton University

Local Politicians and the Deforestation of the Amazon

MAR 24th, 02h30pm

Maria Micaela Sviatschi,
Princeton University

Gangs, labor mobility and development

APR 7th, 02h30pm

Ken Opalo,
Georgetown University

The Contingent Electoral Impacts of Programmatic Policies: Evidence From Education Reforms in Tanzania
Paper and Video

APR 14th, 02h30pm

Ryan Edwards,
Australian National University

Fight fire with finance: a randomized field experiment to curtail land-clearing fire in Indonesia
Paper and Video

APR 21st, 02h30pm

Craig McIntosh,
University of California – San Diego

Search Cost, Intermediation, and Trade: Experimental Evidence from Ugandan Agricultural Markets
Paper and Video

APR 28th, 02h30pm

Oyebola Okunogbe,
World Bank

Does Exposure to Other Ethnic Regions Promote National Integration? Evidence from Nigeria

MAY 5th, 02h30pm

Katherine Vyborny,
Duke University

Political Influences on Police Responses to Crime

MAY 12th, 02h30pm

Manisha Shah,

Two Sides of Gender: Sex, Power, and Adolescence

MAY 19th, 02h30pm

Andrew Zeitlin,
Georgetown University

Benchmarking a Child Nutrition Program Against Cash: Evidence from Rwanda Paper and Video


1st Semester
OCT 7th, 02:30pm

David McKenzie,
World Bank

Improving Business Practices and the Boundary of the Entrepreneur: A Randomized Experiment Comparing Training, Consulting, Insourcing and Outsourcing
Paper and Video

OCT 14th, 02h30pm

Lisa Spantig,
University of Essex

Flexible Microcredit: Effects on Loan Repayment and Social Pressure
Paper and Video

OCT 21th, 02h30pm

Caroline Theoharides,
Amherst College

Medical Worker Migration and Origin-Country Human Capital: Evidence from U.S. Visa Policy
Paper and Video

OCT 28th, 02h30pm

Benjamin Marx,

Eat Widely, Vote Wisely? Lessons from a Campaign Against Vote Buying in Uganda

NOV 11th, 02h30pm

Cynthia Kinnan,
Tufts University

Can Microfinance Unlock a Poverty Trap for Some Entrepreneurs?
Paper and Video

NOV 18th, 02h30pm

Samuel Bazzi,
Boston University

Islam and the State: Religious Education in the Age of Mass Schooling

DEC 16th, 02h30pm

Pamela Jakiela,
Williams College

A Firm of One’s Own: Experimental Evidence on Credit Constraints and Occupational Choice
Paper and Video


Please see here the 2019/2020 Seminar schedule.

Please see here the 2018/2019 seminar schedule.

Please see here the 2017/2018 seminar schedule.

Please see here the 2016/2017 seminar schedule.

Please see here the 2015/2016 seminar schedule.

Please see here the 2014/2015 seminar schedule.