Vitamin A Deficiency and Training to Farmers

  • Vitamin A deficiency and training to farmers: Evidence from a field experiment in Mozambique
  • Vitamin A deficiency and training to farmers: Evidence from a field experiment in Mozambique
  • Vitamin A deficiency and training to farmers: Evidence from a field experiment in Mozambique
  • Vitamin A deficiency and training to farmers: Evidence from a field experiment in Mozambique
  • Vitamin A deficiency and training to farmers: Evidence from a field experiment in Mozambique
  • Vitamin A deficiency and training to farmers: Evidence from a field experiment in Mozambique
  • Vitamin A deficiency and training to farmers: Evidence from a field experiment in Mozambique
  • Vitamin A deficiency and training to farmers: Evidence from a field experiment in Mozambique
  • Vitamin A deficiency and training to farmers: Evidence from a field experiment in Mozambique
  • Vitamin A deficiency and training to farmers: Evidence from a field experiment in Mozambique
  • Vitamin A deficiency and training to farmers: Evidence from a field experiment in Mozambique
  • Vitamin A deficiency and training to farmers: Evidence from a field experiment in Mozambique
  • Vitamin A deficiency and training to farmers: Evidence from a field experiment in Mozambique
  • Vitamin A deficiency and training to farmers: Evidence from a field experiment in Mozambique
  • Vitamin A deficiency and training to farmers: Evidence from a field experiment in Mozambique
  • Vitamin A deficiency and training to farmers: Evidence from a field experiment in Mozambique
  • Vitamin A deficiency and training to farmers: Evidence from a field experiment in Mozambique
  • Vitamin A deficiency and training to farmers: Evidence from a field experiment in Mozambique
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Project Info

Principal Investigators

Pedro C. Vicente
Rute Martins Caeiro

Field Coordination

Rute Martins Caeiro


Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian

Managing Institutions



About this Project

A collaborative effort with Voluntariado Internacional para o Desenvolvimento Africano (VIDA)

Vitamin A deficiency is still a widespread public problem in Sub-Saharan Africa. In collaboration with the Portuguese NGO VIDA we analyze the impact of a food-based intervention to fight vitamin A deficiency using orange-fleshed sweet potato (OFSP).
More specifically, we conducted a randomized evaluation of OFSP-related training to female farmers in southern Mozambique, in which they were taught basic concepts of nutrition, how to plant OFSP, and how to introduce OFSP in household meals. We intend to assess the extent of OFSP-adoption and its effects on key nutrition indicators.

Please read here the working paper and here the article published in the Agricultural Economics.

For additional information about the NGO VIDA see here.

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