Seminário NOVAFRICA: “Political Voice and Prosociality: evidence from a lab-in-the-field experiment in Uganda”

Na quarta-feira, 6 de novembro, às 14:30, Ana Garcia-Hernandez da Nova School of Business and Economics, apresentará o seu trabalho sobre o impacto da voz política no comportamento pró-social.

Ana Garcia-Hernandez, Nova School of Business and Economics.


In recent years, policy-makers across the world have implemented policies to increase the presence of underrepresented groups, like women, in decision making bodies. Evidence has shown that this can alter local political outcomes. Yet, studies may confound two mechanisms: a selection effect (the representation of different preferences) and an empowerment effect (the acquisition of political voice changes one’s behavior). To test for these effects, I conduct a modified public goods game over two categories of real community goods in rural Uganda. By exogenously assigning voting power over which good is chosen, I can directly test for the empowerment effect. The results suggest that having political voice in choosing the public good does not increase pro-sociality on average. Men are not sensitive to changes in political voice. However, women contribute significantly less after experiencing a negative shift in empowerment. The results present new evidence that changes in political influence may directly impact pro-sociality.

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