NOVAFRICA News: Special lecture by Manuel de Araújo on “Cities that work: the case of Quelimane, Mozambique”.
NOVAFRICA welcomes Manuel de Araújo Mayor of Quelimane City, Mozambique for a Special Lecture, on November 12th, at 04.00 pm, in Teresa and Alexandre Soares dos Santos library, at Nova SBE, in Carcavelos Campus.
In his Special Lecture, entitled “Cities that work: the case of Quelimane, Mozambique”, Manuel de Araújo will share his experience as Mayor of Quelimane, the economic, political, and administrative capital of Mozambique’s Zambezia province, and the country’s fifth-largest city with close to 400,000 inhabitants.
A city that Through the exchange of best practices, technical assistance, and capacity building between different actors was able to draw up a plan tailored to its specific context addressing two major challenges: the waste management crisis and food security mangrove restoration.
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