NOVAFRICA Event: Partners’ Cocktail in Bissau
On October 23, 2018, NOVAFRICA Partners’ Cocktail was held in Bissau, Guinea-Bissau.
NOVAFRICA has been developing research in Guinea-Bissau since 2015 and is currently conducting an impact evaluation of the health program “Estratégia para a aceleração da redução da mortalidade materna, neonatal e infanto-juvenil na Guiné Bissau – Sector Autónomo de Bissau” (Strategy to accelerate the reduction of maternal, neonatal and child mortality in Guinea Bissau – Bissau Autonomous Sector) implemented by General Directorate of Health of the Autonomous Sector of Bissau) in partnership with the NGO VIDA.
NOVAFRICA is currently designing new research projects in Guinea-Bissau on access to health services and changes in health behaviours. NOVAFRICA is also assessing the feasibility of future projects and potential partnerships in the areas of Political Economy, Finance, Education and Agriculture. A NOVAFRICA research team composed by Pedro Vicente, Scientific Director and Head of Economic Development Unit, Teresa Molina, Principal Investigator and Alexander Coutts, Principal Investigator, visited Guinea-Bissau between October 16th and October 23rd.
Profiting from their presence in Guinea-Bissau, the local field-team organised a gathering with the purpose of promoting the work that NOVAFRICA is currently conducting in Guinea-Bissau, as well identifying potential partners for future research projects. During the event, NOVAFRICA presented the project: “Impact evaluation of different incentive systems for Community Health Agents in Guinea-Bissau” (further information about this project, here) and the NGO VIDA shared its partnership experience with NOVAFRICA.
The event was attended by the General Health Director Dr. Agostinho Ndumba and the General Directorate of Health of the Autonomous Sector of Bissau was represented by Dr. Lamine Mendes. Donors, current and potential partners participated in the event, such as: Dr. António Nunes, country representative of the Camões Institute; Dr. Helena Areal, country representative of NGO VIDA; Dr. Christina Jaules, country representative for UNICEF; and Dr Amadou Oumar Ba, the World Bank representative in Guinea-Bissau. The cocktail was also attended by a representation of the European Union Delegation in Guinea-Bissau, UNDP, UNHCR, IOM and civil society partners, such as: Bandim Health Project, MSF, IMVF, Humanité et Inclusion, Manitese, Univers-sel and Plan International.