NOVAFRICA Seminar: Household Expenditure in the Wake of Terrorism: evidence from high frequency in-home-scanner data

On Wednesday, November 24th, at 02.30 pm, Lisbon time, the NOVAFRICA Center welcomes Elena Stancanelli from Paris School of Economics to present her work on Household Expenditure in the Wake of Terrorism: evidence from high-frequency in-home-scanner data.

Elena Stancanelli, Paris School of Economics

This paper adds to the scant literature on the impact of terrorism on consumer behavior by focusing, for the first time, on goods that are especially sensitive to hormonal and brain stress neurocircuitry, such as sugar-and fat-rich foods, which have additive components, lead to obesity and other negative health outcomes. We also consider women’s personal hygiene products, which may be triggered by endocrinological responses to stress. In contrast, spending on home maintenance goods may help consumers regain psychological control of their environment. We examine unique continuous in-home-scanner expenditure data for a representative sample of about 15,000 French households, observed in the days before and after the terrorist attack at the Bataclan concert-hall. We find that the latter increased expenditure on sugar-rich food by over 5% but not that on junk-food. Moreover, we detect an increase of 23.5% in expenditure on women’s personal hygiene products. Expenditure on home maintenance products, also went up by almost 9%. We conclude that these effects are driven by the responses of households with children and those residing within a few-hour drive from the place of the attack.

Find more about this seminar here.
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