NOVAFRICA Seminar: Paddy and Prejudice: Evidence on the Agricultural Origins of Prejudice from China and 12 other Asian Societies

On Wednesday, February 15th, at 03.00pm (Lisbon time), in Room D 012, the NOVAFRICA Center welcomes Paulo Santos from Monash University to present his work on “Paddy and Prejudice: Evidence on the Agricultural Origins of Prejudice from China and 12 other Asian Societies”.

Paulo Santos

This paper examines the role of agricultural technology, in the form of paddy rice cultivation, on contemporary levels of prejudice. Using environmental suitability for paddy as an instrumental variable, we find that people living in areas where paddy rice farming has been long practiced exhibit lower prejudice towards outgroup members. This relationship is mediated by greater exposure to markets and trade, itself derived from paddy’s higher land productivity, likely reflecting the opportunities for interpersonal contact created by markets. In contrast, the irrigation needs and high labour demands of paddy galvanize local cooperation, likely fostering prejudice directed to outsiders

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Find more about this seminar here.