NOVAFRICA Conference
“The EU-Africa Summit and the Future of the Relations Between Portugal and Africa”

NOVAFRICA, in partnership with the Câmara de Comércio e Indústria Portugal-Costa do Marfim, organised a Conference on 21 November 2017.

The event, which took place at Nova SBE, addressed the theme ‘EU-Africa Summit and the Future of the Relations between Portugal and Africa’.

Several speakers from CCIPCM, Nova SBE, NOVAFRICA, Millennium BCP, SIC and Nuvigroup presented their views in an insightful discussion about the relations between Portugal and non-Portuguese speaking African countries.

The diplomatic mission of Côte d’Ivoire was also represented by the Consul, Mr. Assemian Marius.

You can see the clipping of the event on the links below:

RDP África



For more information, please visit the Conference webpage.