NOVAFRICA Program: First MDI in Portuguese

NOVAFRICA organized the first Management Development Institute (MDI) in Portuguese, which occurred from 03 to 09 December 2017 in Maputo, Mozambique.

The MDI is a one-week intensive training designed to enhance the leadership, management and governance skills of program managers and leaders of sub-Saharan organisations, governmental and nongovernmental, which are devoted to delivering health care services to underserved populations.

In the program, participants organized in teams develop a Community Health Improvement Project (CHIP), allowing them to immediately apply the contents of the MDI to increase the performance of their own health systems.

This was the first Portuguese edition of a program that has already been offered in Ghana, Kenya, Senegal and South Africa. In 2017, the program had 44 participants from Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau and Mozambique.

The program is organized jointly with the Global Business School Network and is funded by Johnson & Johnson.

For more information click here.