2016 NOVAFRICA Conference on Economic Development in Africa

July 14th and 15th,
2016 Lisbon, Portugal.


Keynote Presentations

Stefan Dercon

Professor of Economics at the University of Oxford

David McKenzie

Lead Economist at the World Bank

Edward Miguel

Professor of Economics at the University of California, Berkeley


Cátia Batista

Universidade Nova de Lisboa | CReAM | IZA

Pedro Vicente

Universidade Nova de Lisboa | BREAD

Sponsored by


Endorsed by

Presidente PTAKDNFCG_01_Marca3Linhas_PRT_04Instituto Camoes cplp

Arrival Information


The easiest way to come to Lisbon is by airplane. The Lisbon Portela Airport connects Lisbon to more than 100 destinations. The airport is 7km away from the city centre. After arriving you can take the metro (every day from 6.30am until 1.00am), which will only take approximately 30 minutes to the venue and it will cost 1.90€. You can also take the airport shuttle that connects the airport to the city centre (every day from 7.00am until 23.20pm), which will cost 3.50€. Alternatively you can also take a taxi which will cost approximately 10€ or rent a car at the airport (all price are reference prices). Prices are subject to change without notice and may vary from time to time). Find out more here.


You can travel overnight by train. There are trains connecting Madrid (Lusitânia Comboio Hotel), Vigo (Celta train) and Irun (Sud Expresso) to Lisbon.

Local Accommodation

Intercontinental Lisboa

web map 135€/Night – Single Deluxe Room | 155€/Night – Double Deluxe Room Location: 9 minutes walking to conference venue Instructions: Email Carla Coutinho referring to NOVAFRICA Conference via

Hotel Real Palácio 5*****

web map 80€/Night – Single Room | 90€/Night – Double Room Location: 8/9 minutes walking to conference venue Instructions: Go to the website,choose the hotel (Hotel Real Palácio), and on the window “Corporate/Promotion Code”, insert the code “104”.

Hotel Real Parque 4****

web map 60€/Night – Single Room | 70€/Night Location: 9/10 minutes walking to conference venue Instructions: Go to the website,choose the hotel (Hotel Real Parque), and on the window “Corporate/Promotion Code”, insert the code “104”.

Sana Executive

web map Location: 5 minutes distance by taxi to conference venue Instructions: Email, referring to NOVAFRICA Conference and you will benefit 20% reduction on the price.

Sana Rex

web map Location: 8/9 minutes walking to conference venue Instructions: Email, referring to NOVAFRICA Conference and you will benefit 20% reduction on the price.


Please find a printable version of the program here.

Pre-Conference Event: 1st NOVAFRICA Workshop on Migration and Development

See here for further information.

JUL 14th

Palacete Henrique de Mendonça




Opening (Hall)
Daniel Traça

Dean, Nova School of Business and Economics

Institutional Address (Hall)
José Augusto Duarte

Foreign Relations Advisor to His Excellency, the President of the Portuguese Republic

Keynote Address (Hall)
Stefan Dercon

Chief Economist at UK-AID and Professor of Economics at University of Oxford

Coffee Break


Parallel Sessions A:
Finance (Hall)
Banking with Agents – Experimental Evidence from Senegal

Presenter: Sinja Buri, International Finance Corporation Discussant: Martin Fouraux Koppensteiner

Financial Inclusion Households and Welfare – Evidence from the Expansion of Mobile Money in Tanzania

Presenter: Martin Fouraux Koppensteiner, University of Leicester Discussant: Emma Riley

Mobile Money and Risk Sharing against Aggregate Shocks

Presenter: Emma Riley, University of Oxford Discussant: Catia Batista

Introducing Mobile Money in Mozambique – Evidence from a Field Experiment

Presenter: Catia Batista, Nova School of Business and Economics Discussant: Sinja Buri

Education (Sala dos Azulejos)
Smarter Social Protection? Impacts of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net on Child Cognitive Achievement

Presenter: Catherine Porter, Heriott-Watt University Discussant: Yannick Dupraz

French and British Colonial Legacies in Education: A Natural Experiment in Cameroon

Presenter: Yannick Dupraz, Paris School of Economics Discussant: Kim Lehrer

Learning from Peers: Experimental Evidence of Group Learning in Senior High School in Ghana

Presenter: Kim Lehrer, University of Oxford Discussant: Catherine Porter



Keynote Address (Hall)
Edward Miguel

Professor at University of California, Berkeley Founder and Faculty Director of the Center for Effective Global Action (CEGA)

Coffee Break


Parallel Sessions B:
Political Economy (Hall)
Democratic Spillovers – Rent-Seeking Elites, Mobile Capital, and the Coevolution of Political Institutions

Presenter: Arthur Silve, Harvard University Discussant: Michele Valsecchi

Ethnic Favoritism: an Axiom of Politics?

Presenter: Michele Valsecchi, University of Gothenburg Discussant: Patrick Domingues

On the Economic Consequences of Political Turnover: Evidence from Mozambican Firms

Presenter: Patrick Domingues, Université Paris Est Créteil (UPEC) Discussant: Guy Grossman

The Effect of Administrative Unit Creation on Electoral Behavior: Evidence from Senegal

Presenter: Guy Grossman, University of Pennsylvania Discussant: Arthur Silve

Health (Sala dos Azulejos)
The Health Costs of Ethnic Distance: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa

Presenter: Joseph Flavian Gomes, University of Navarra Discussant: Yuya Kudo

Malaria Infection and Fetal Growth during the War: Evidence from Liberia

Presenter: Yuya Kudo, Institute of Development Economies Discussant: Berber Kramer

From Awareness to Adverse Selection: Cardiovascular Risk and Health Insurance Decisions

Presenter: Berber Kramer, International Food Policy Research Institute Discussant: Ram Fishman

The Green Revolution and Infant Mortality: Evidence from 600,000 Children

Presenter: Ram Fishman, George Washington University Discussant: Joseph Flavian Gomes

Coffee Break


Policy Roundtable (Hall)
Economic Development and Natural Resources in Africa

Chair: Pedro Vicente, NOVAFRICA Scientific Director António Costa e Silva, Partex Oil and Gas, CEO Gonçalo Teles Gomes, Camões Mission – Institute for Cooperation and Language, Vice-President Luís Mira Amaral, Banco BIC Portugal, CEO Murade Murargy, CPLP Executive Secretary Nazim Ahmad, Aga Khan Development Network, Representative in Portugal and Mozambique

JUL 15th

Palacete Henrique de Mendonça


Parallel Sessions C:
Insurance (Sala dos Azulejos)
Coping With Health Shocks: Remittances, Insurance or Both? Evidence from Financial and Health Diaries Data in Kenya

Presenter: Berber Kramer, International Food Policy Research Institute Discussant: Teresa Molina

Regional Migration, Insurance and Economic Shocks: Evidence from Nicaragua

Presenter: Teresa Molina, Nova School of Business and Economics Discussant: Berber Kramer

Labor (Hall)
Self-Employment, Capital and Job Search: Evidence from a Structural Model

Presenter: Michael Koelle, University of Oxford Discussant: Yuki Higuchi

Short and Longer Run Impacts of Kaizen Management Training: The Case in Tanzania

Presenter: Yuki Higuchi, Nagoya City University Discussant: Armando José Garcia Pires

Gender and Entrepreneurial Success: Evidence from a Field Experiment

Presenter: Armando José Garcia Pires, Norwegian School of Economics Discussant: Juan Pablo Rud

Wage Dispersion, Job Creation and Development: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa Preliminary

Presenter: Juan Pablo Rud, University of London Discussant: Michael Koelle

Coffee Break


Parallel Sessions D:
Agriculture (Hall)
Time vs. State in Insurance: Experimental Evidence from Contract Farming in Kenya

Presenter: Jack Willis, Harvard University Discussant: Ram Fishman

How Sustainable are Benefits from Extension for Smallholder Women Farmers? Evidence from a ‘Reverse-Randomized Control Trial’ in Uganda

Presenter: Ram Fishman, Goerge Washington University Discussant: Pedro Vicente

Agricultural Savings and Network Pressure: Experimental Evidence using Mobile Money in Mozambique

Presenter: Pedro Vicente, Nova School of Business and Economics Discussant: Jack Willis

Conflict (Sala dos Azulejos)
War and Local Governance: Evidence from Angolan Veterans

Presenter: Wolfgang Stojetz, International Security and Development Center Discussant: Arinze Nwokolo

Oil Price Shocks and Civil Conflict in Nigeria

Presenter: Arinze Nwokolo, University of Navarra Discussant: Ameet Morjaria

Guns and Roses: Flower Exports and Electoral Violence in Kenya

Presenter: Ameet Morjaria, Kellogg School of Management Discussant: Wolfgang Stojetz



Keynote Address (Hall)
David McKenzie

Lead Economist, Development Research Group, World Bank

Parallel Sessions E:
Networks (Hall)
Leader Networks and Targeting: A Randomized Controlled Trial testing the Effectiveness of Local Religious and Governmental Leaders

Presenter: Molly Lipscomb, University of Virginia Discussant: Dany Jaimovich

The Evolution of Networks during the Development Process: Evidence from Rural Gambia

Presenter: Dany Jaimovich, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt Discussant: Alex Coutts

Social Learning in Experimental Games: Evidence from Rwanda

Presenter: Alex Coutts, Nova School of Business and Economics Discussant: Molly Lipscomb

Households (Sala dos Azulejos)
Income Hiding and Informal Redristribution – A Lab-in-the-Field Experiment in Senegal

Presenter: Paola Villar, Paris School of Economics Discussant: Pauline Rossi

Strategic Choices in Polygamous Households – Theory and Evidence from Senegal

Presenter: Pauline Rossi, University of Amsterdam Discussant: Olivia Bertelli

Beyond Profits – The Non-Monetary Benefits of Cattle Rearing: Evidence from Uganda

Presenter: Olivia Bertelli, Paris School of Economics Discussant: Matt Collin

Does Anyone Pay Attention to Age-Of-Marriage Laws? Discontinuity Evidence from 57 Developing Countries

Presenter: Matt Collin, Center for Global Development Discussant: Paola Villar

Coffee Break


Parallel Sessions F:
Accountability (Hall)
Interventions to Improve Public Service Delivery via Politician Performance – A Field Experiment in Ugandan District Governments

Presenter: Guy Grossman, University of Pennsylvania Discussant: Nathan Fiala

The Impact of Social Accountability on Service Delivery: Experimental Evidence from a Large Scale Community Driven Development Program in Uganda

Presenter: Nathan Fiala, University of Connecticut Discussant: Danila Serra

Can Patients’ Reports improve Health Providers’ Performance? Experimental Evidence from Kenya

Presenter: Danila Serra, Southern Methodist University Discussant: Guy Grossman

Macro Approaches to Development (Sala dos Azulejos)
On a Mission from God: The Historical Roots of Development Aid Allocation

Presenter: Eivind Hammersmark Olsen, University of Oslo Discussant: Nkunde Mwase

Revisiting the Concept of Dollarization: The Global Financial Crisis and Dollarization in Low-Income Countries

Presenter: Nkunde Mwase, International Monetary Fund Discussant: Gerhard Toews

Resource Discoveries and FDI Bonanzas

Presenter: Gerhard Toews, University of Oxford Discussant: Eivind Hammersmark Olsen

Closing Remarks
Catia Batista and Pedro Vicente

Nova School of Business and Economics

Call For Papers - Deadline: April 4th, 2016

Invitation to submit:

We are looking for contributions on the broad theme of economic development in Africa. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: mobile money and financial innovation; natural resource management; the quality of education and health; migration, remittances and the brain drain; the quality of public services and political economy; or entrepreneurship and management practices in the African context.

Submission timetable:

Submissions of full papers (PDF files) are expected by April 4, 2016. Extended abstracts may also be submitted but priority will be given to full papers. Decisions will be made by April 14, 2016.

Submission guidelines:

Please email your submission to

See more about this event, including photos here.