Entrepreneurship Training in Mozambique: The Role of Business Skills vs. Aspirations

Project Info

Principal Investigators

Cátia Batista (Nova SBE)
Julia Seither (Nova SBE)


IGC – International Growth Center


About this Project


Increasing the productivity of entrepreneurship and transforming micro-enterprises into SMEs in Mozambique is one of the major challenges facing local policy makers, international institutions, and NGOs.

The aim of this research project is to provide experimental evidence on the mechanisms and possible solutions to support exactly this objective. For this purpose, a randomized control trial pilot study will be implemented among small-scale entrepreneurs in the outskirts of Maputo. Specifically, we will provide experimental evidence to answer the following key questions:

  • Can entrepreneurship training positively affect productive microenterprises in low-income countries?
  • Can the aspirations of entrepreneurs, i.e. the goals they set themselves, be changed in a positive way that leads microenterprises towards efficiency?
  • Can synergetic productivity gains be obtained by combining entrepreneurship training with setting positive aspirations of micro-entrepreneurs?

Please see here the working paper.

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