NOVAFRICA Seminar: “Wheels of Change: Impact of Bicycles on Female Education and Empowerment in Zambia”
On Thursday, March 14, at 2.00 pm, the NOVAFRICA Center welcomes Ana Garcia-Hernandez, from Nova SBE, to present her work on the impact of bicycles on female education and empowerment in Zambia.
Ana Garcia-Hernandez, Nova SBE.
We study the impact of an innovative conditional kind transfer program in rural Zambia that provides a bicycle to a school-going girl child. This study uses a multi-treatment design with schools randomly allocated to one of two treatment arms or control in 100 schools and estimates the causal impact on education and empowerment outcomes. Findings from this study will not only provide a clear understanding of the impact of reducing the distance cost to school for girl, but also address the larger question of whether or not such an asset transfer has an impact on girls’ empowerment, a question of immense policy interest for both developed and the developing world.
Find more about this seminar here.