The NOVAFRICA Interns are Back at Nova
Our NOVAFRICA interns are back from their work in Mozambique and brought with them a blog post written by Joana – a Nova SBE PhD candidate who was working with small-scale entrepreneurs in Maputo. More information about the project under this link.
Joana was working in Maputo together with three more interns (Ana, Karol and Matilde) on follow up data collection for a randomized control trial on the role of mobile banking and business skills training on savings decisions of entrepreneurs in the markets of Maputo. During the same period three more NOVAFRICA interns – Diogo, Mattia, and Francesco – have been working in Maputo as well. Diogo and Mattia conducted interviews with executives of the largest companies in Mozambique to attain a better understanding of the views and actions of managers on financial policies (you can find more information about this project here). While Francesco was preparing the first stage of an impact evaluation on the provision of solar panels to villages in the greater Maputo area.
This year was the fourth time that NOVAFRICA conducted its summer internship program, giving students the opportunity to experience field research and learn about the challenges in conducting experiments in developing countries.
You can find more information about former internship experiences and blog posts here, here and here.