Mobilizing Migrant Remittances for Agricultural Modernization in Mozambique

  • Promoting Correct Fertilizer Use through Information and Commitment Savings using Mobile Banking
  • Vitamin A deficiency and training to farmers: Evidence from a field experiment in Mozambique
  • Vitamin A deficiency and training to farmers: Evidence from a field experiment in Mozambique

Project Info

Principal Investigators

Cátia Batista, Dean Yang

Field Coordination

Cheney Wells

Managing Institution

Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA)


Banco Oportunidade de Moçambique (BOM)
International Fertilizer Development Corporation (IFDC)


Agricultural Technology Adoption Initiative (ATAI)
International Growth Center (IGC)

About this Project

A collaborative effort with BOM and the IFDC


A large fraction of the Mozambican population lives in rural areas and is in great need of innovations to improve financing for agricultural inputs. At the same time, many thousands of migrants send substantial remittances to their families in rural parts of Mozambique. This project offered migrants in Maputo City the ability to pay directly for agricultural modernization inputs for their families in rural areas.

There are two key project partners in Mozambique. First, Banco Oportunidade de Mozambique (BOM) to facilitate internal remittances and design innovative savings and loan products for internal migrants intended to finance agricultural input packages. Second, the International Fertilizer Development Corporation (IFDC) to manage delivery of agricultural inputs and training to recipient rural households.

The project has potentially a significant impact on policy design insofar as findings from the study can help identify innovative policies to mobilize internal migrant resources for agricultural input finance.

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