Seminário NOVAFRICA:“Can Network Theory-based Targeting Increase Technology Adoption?”
Na quarta-feira, dia 2 de maio, pelas 14h30, o Centro NOVAFRICA convida Jeremy Magruder, da Universidade da Califórnia, Berkeley, para apresentar o seu trabalho.
Lori Beaman
Ariel Ben Yishay
Jeremy Magruder
Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak
In order to induce farmers to adopt a productive new agricultural technology, we apply simple and complex contagion diffusion models on rich social network data from 200 villages in Malawi to identify seed farmers to target and train on the new technology. A randomized controlled trial compares these theory-driven network targeting approaches to simpler strategies that either rely on a government extension worker or an easily measurable proxy for the social network (geographic distance between households) to identify seed farmers. Both reduced form and structural estimates suggest a learning environment in which most farmers need to learn about the technology from multiple people before they adopt themselves.
Este seminário será apresentado em Inglês.
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